Monday, July 9, 2007

Out with the old repeater!

On July 6, 2007 Tim "KB9FBI" and Al "N9MAF" removed the old vhf 146.775 repeater which has been in operation since the 1980's. The old repeater was replaced by a temporary repeater provided by N9MAF. Which will keep the K9JX repeater operational until the new repeater can be configured and installed in the near future.
The K9JX repeater is loacated on top of The Beecher High Rise Apartments located at 301 West Beecher St. in Jacksonville, IL.
The trip to the top is quite strenuous, as Al and Tim can attest from these picture taken on there trip to the top.

This is the ladder leading to the roof!

This is the hatch to the roof.

This is hatch from the roof.

The elevator penthouse. Looking West towards the door leading up to the repeater.

Second Ladder to the top. Inside the elevator penthouse up to the second floor where the repeater is located.

Repeater Cabinet KB9FBI unlocking the repeater cab in the SW corner of the elevator penthouse.

VHF Repeater Our old faithful 146.775 repeater just before taking off the air for the switch. 198?-2007

Dual band antenna. Looking SW towards the repeater antenna on the roof of the elevator penthouse.

View looking NW towards the old Dunlop Hotel.

View looking NE towards the only other building that is taller downtown, the Farmers Bank building.

View looking SE towards the Pactiv Plant at the edge of town.

View looking SW over Morton Ave towards the highest spot in the county near the water tower.

As you can see, this is quite a job to carry the repeater and equipment to the top of Beecher High rise. Thanks Guys!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The American Diabetes Association needs volunteers to help with Tour de Cure!

Join other local HAM volunteers for the 16th Annual St. Louis Area Tour de Cure. This scenic bicycle tour will take you along the Great River Road in rural Illinois. Cyclists will have their choice of a 20, 50 or 100-mile route. The terrain is both flat and moderately hilly. Rest stops are located approximately every 10 miles and are stocked with water, snacks, beverages and first aid. Support vehicles patrol the route for your assistance and safety.

Ham operators will be providing communications for this event. Hams will be stationed at all rest stops and in protrol vehicle. The event is on Saturday June 9, 2007 at Raging Rivers WaterPark, Grafton, Illinois.

If you are interested in volunteering for this event, contact Jim Pitchford "N9LQF" at

For more information on the event!

JARS Club members particpate in Boy Scouts Lincoln Trail Hike

Over 1,000 area Boy Scouts spent the day on Saturday, April 28 taking part in the annual Lincoln Trail Hike, retracing the steps of a young Abraham Lincoln as he journeyed from New Salem to Springfield to practice law. The Lincoln Trail is a part of the weekend activities of the 62nd Annual Lincoln Pilgrimage hosted by the Abraham Lincoln Council Boy Scouts of America.

Over 30 Hams from the area provided communication and security for the hike. N9MAF and KC9IDX from the Jacksonville Amateur Radio Society participatedin the event.